“Kamariškės manor – the central cultural space of Zarasai region based on history, creation, innovations and cooperation “ – an exceptional investment to revive the historical mansion
About the project
Project funded by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanisms, which aims to revive the historical territory of Kamariškės manor and create a space for cooperation of local, national and international music and visual artists. Use it as an in instrument in order to bring higher cultural services to the community and improve general infrastructure of cultural services. Finally, the project aims to strengthen the identity of the people living in the area, by getting broader understanding about local history, its uniqueness, and together building further development strategy.
Project value 797193 EUR, European Economic Area Financial Mechanisms program “Culture” contribution – 707 509 EUR, project duration 32 months
Project goal – to empower the historical Kamariškės manor as a central space of cultural life in Zarasai district, by combining different sectors, local and international cultural resources, to create a network of mutual cooperation.

By applying creative placemaking methodology, create preconditions for the development of cultural network and services in Zarasai district, developing Kamariskes manor as a central space.

To preserve and restore the Kamariškės manor and adapt it to the provision of cultural services, promotion of cultural entrepreneurship, develop the space for creators’ creativity, recreation and cooperation.

To create, test and develop sustainable local, national and international cultural business – a space for creative and collaborative creation for visual arts and musical artists and implement a cultural entrepreneurship acceleration program focused on creators of Zarasai district, international cooperation.